Dieters may benefit from consuming fruits, as they are low in calories, contain vitamins, fiber, and minerals, and may mitigate the risk of heart disease, certain types of cancer, and diabetes. Additionally, they contain antioxidants that inhibit the processes that cause tissue and cell injury.
For example, bananas are a source of potassium, oranges and kiwis are rich in vitamin C, and apricots contain significant amounts of vitamin A. It is beneficial to be aware of the proper methods for selecting, storing, and consuming fruits in order to maintain their freshness.
It is advisable to select fruits that are in season, as they are more flavorful. Some fruits should be smelt prior to purchase due to their distinctive aroma. For instance, if the cantaloupe (muskmelon) has an overpowering musty odor, it is not advisable to purchase it. Avocados should have a porous texture, while kiwis should not have a musty odor.
The fruits should be heavier than their dimensions, which indicates that they are succulent. You may purchase desiccated fruits due to their high dietary fiber content; however, it is advisable to purchase only those without added sugar, as they contain more calories than fresh fruits. Select canned fruits in fruit juice or water and frozen fruits without added sugar; however, refrain from selecting fruits in sugar-sweetened nectar.
Bananas, kiwis, nectarines, and pears should be stored at ambient temperature in order to ripen. Store them in the refrigerator to ensure they remain fresh for an extended period. Oranges, cherries, and apricots can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. However, raspberries, peaches, grapes, and strawberries should not be stored in the refrigerator for more than a few days. Discard any fruits that exhibit an unpleasant odor or appearance. The products may be preserved for extended use. In particular, refrigeration is an effective method of preserving grapes, citrus, fruit, and cherries. For optimal outcomes, it is recommended that larger fruits be divided into smaller pieces or that the shell of apples, nectarines, or peaches be removed prior to freezing. Add fruits to your breakfast cereals, biscuits, or doughs, or consume them as a refreshment, to increase the vitamin content of your diet.